Key Stage One Shape Sorting
Our aim at Shepherd Primary is to teach a high quality computing curriculum so children learn to become confident, effective and safe users but also creators of technology to prepare them for becoming digital citizens.
We have begun to use the NCCE scheme for computing. The units for Key Stage 1 and 2 are based on a spiral curriculum. This means that each of the themes is revisited regularly (at least once in each year group), and pupils revisit each theme through a new unit that consolidates and builds on prior learning within that theme. This style of curriculum design reduces the amount of knowledge lost through forgetting, as topics are revisited yearly. It also ensures that connections are made even if different teachers are teaching the units within a theme in consecutive years.
Key Stage Two Micro:bit Physical Computing
In Years 1 to 6, online safety is taught through 8 strands: self-image and identity, online relationships, online reputation, online bullying, managing online information, health, well-being and lifestyle, privacy and security, copyright and ownership. Each strand starts with identifying before moving onto describing, recognising, and explaining. Our provision in the Early Years for online safety, teaches children through our PSED curriculum and appropriate supporting texts.
The Journey
The children’s journey in computing begins in Early Years. The children are surrounded by different devices in their daily live so they are given opportunities to explore different technologies in school such as completing activities on the iPads and the class smartboard. For example, they will use the iPads to take photographs. They learn about the specific vocabulary related to technology, which is also displayed in the classroom.
In Year 1, the exploration continues with looking at the technology in our everyday lives. They begin by learning mouse and keyboard skills on the laptops, which allows them to start to login independently and to explore our online learning environment. They complete activities that are both unplugged (not on a device) and on the laptops or iPads. For example, they sort, create stories and pictograms off and on the computers. The concept of computer algorithms is introduced and they create their own on paper and test them using Beebot robots.
In Year 2, they use other programs to make music and create art as well as learning how to present information such as a story or quiz or a simple binary decision tree. They develop their understanding of algorithms further, through block coding on the computer, thinking about prediction and events before moving on to ensuring the sequence is correct.
Year 3 is where they become more adept at using the keyboard and continue to learn to use different programs for different tasks. Being able to create branching databases and different graph types builds on their previous knowledge of binary decision trees and pictograms. They are introduced to spreadsheets, develop their understanding further and advance their graphing knowledge. They learn more about block coding and are introduced to a text-based language, which they can test using the Beebots.
Year 4’s computing covers both using different programs and programming. There is an emphasis on writing for different purposes, creating effective searches that consider the reliability of the information found and a fun animation unit. They further advance their spreadsheet knowledge in Year 4 with formulae wizard and formatting. Their programming introduces repetition and procedures and moves on their Logo knowledge from the previous year when they program the Probot car robots.
The Teach Computing Curriculum acknowledges that physical computing plays an important role in modern pedagogical approaches in computing, both as a tool to engage pupils and as a strategy to develop pupils understanding in more creative ways. Additionally, physical computing supports and engages a diverse range of pupils in tangible and engaging tasks.
Year 5 develop more on formulae and introduce variables in spreadsheets as well introducing flat field databases and word processing. In programming, they learn about selection both in block coding (quizzes) and physical devices (micro:bits).
Year 6 use more advanced spreadsheet formulae and learn about creating blogs and quizzes. They expand their knowledge of computers to consider what networks are including the Internet. Their programming is both block coding and physical. They learn about variables in games and use micro:bits for a sensing and movement unit.
During Feeling Good Week, we encourage families to have a Scroll Free Day where the children (and adults) put down their devices and do something else.
During Anti-Bullying Week, we also look at Online Bullying.