School Logo

Governing Body Information

What do we do?

Our goal is to empower Shepherd Primary School in supporting and challenging its pupils to achieve in all aspects of life, by providing an inspirational learning experience, in a stimulating environment. We aim to achieve this through working in partnership with our Head Teacher, our Herts for Learning partners, and the entire school team. 

During the year we meet regularly to discuss aspects of the curriculum, monitor pupils’ progress and to help make decisions regarding the school premises, finances, personnel and health and safety.


Who is on the Governing Body?

  • LA Governor
  • Parent Governors
  • The Headteacher
  • Staff Governor
  • Co-opted Governors

What are the Governors responsible for?

  • School Improvement Committee: making sure the curriculum is broad and balanced and setting targets for pupil achievement
  • Resources Committee: to approve and monitor the spending of the school budget; to oversee the employment of all those who work in the school and the safeguarding of children; responsible for the school site and buildings, including all aspects of Health and Safety


Agendas and minutes for all governing body meetings are available on request.

Please contact the Chair of Governors at
