Forest Schools
Forest School is a unique educational experience and process that offers children the opportunity to succeed and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in an outdoor environment.
We are integrating Forest School into termly planning where Forest School sessions will be taught every other week. Teachers have access to a bank of age appropriate, curriculum linked activities for the children.
At Shepherd, we have been fortunate to have a whole day’s training session with John Blaney, the person responsible for the Forest School movement.
Children's Feedback
"I enjoyed using a range of tools I have never used before." – Yr 5
"I enjoyed making fire, as it was an experience I have never had before." - Yr6
"I loved how it is something different to do in school and we learnt skills we could use all the time." - Yr 4
"I liked scavenging for supplies." – Yr 3
"I liked making the fire because it was fun scraping the flint and steel." – Yr 5
"We can be creative, and we get to be outside instead of learning inside the classroom." - Yr 2
"I like collecting things and making things." - Rec
"I loved the sawing!" - Yr 1