School Uniform
Daily Wear
The school colours are blue, gold, white and black.
Black school trousers, shorts, skirt, trousers or pinafore
White polo top in Early Years and Key Stage 1
White shirt in Key Stage 2 (long or short sleeved)
Blue and gold striped tie in Key Stage 2
Blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
Blue gingham dress for summer months (optional)
Black or white socks or plain black tights
Black shoes
Children may wear a royal blue polar fleece with school logo or a zipped hooded top with school logo over their sweatshirt or cardigan in cold weather, outdoors.
All children should wear sensible black shoes (no trainers) with their school uniform. In the summer, sandals, either black or white and a sensible style may be worn.
Children in the Early Years are also expected to wear black shoes. They are also required to have a pair of wellingtons in school which will be stored in the Early Years setting for outdoor learning.
Fashion shoes are not suitable for wear at school. Heels should be no higher than 4cm (1½ ”) and should not be narrow based. Platform shoes are not appropriate.
Boots are not to be worn in school as part of school uniform. On cold or wet days flat boots or wellingtons may be worn on the journey to school but a change of school shoes will need to be brought into school for wear during the school day.
Hair Styles
All children are expected to maintain a sensible hairstyle. Long hair should be tied back and hair should be no shorter than a number two grade.
The school reserves the right to request a particular style be changed if it is considered unacceptable or is deemed an ‘extreme’ haircut which is going to draw attention to your child.
The school reserves the right to ask children to wear a cap if the haircut cannot be changed until the hair is within our policy guidance.
P.E. Kits
For PE in the hall: black shorts, white t-shirt with school logo or plain white t-shirt.
For swimming: children will need a towel and must wear a swimming costume (not bikini) or trunks (not shorts) and a swimming hat.
For outdoor games: children must wear suitable footwear for wearing on the field, e.g. strong waterproof trainers. A plain black tracksuit is required for winter months and sporting events.
If your child needs football boots for after school clubs or matches, they should have studs only (not blades).
Jewellery, including rings, should not be worn in school. It is also advisable for expensive watches not to be worn as these are removed for P.E and swimming and can be easily mislaid.
Children with pierced ears are asked to wear small stud earrings in school (no sleepers or longer earrings) and one piercing in the lower ear lobe only. Earrings are particularly dangerous for P.E., games and swimming and children will be requested to cover them up with tape or remove them.
Other forms of body piercing (upper ear, nose, eyebrow etc.) are not permitted.
Orders for Sweatshirts, Cardigans, PE T-shirts and Bags will need to be made online via our school supplier, Gooddies.
Orders should be made at
School uniform can be delivered to school for collection free of charge, or delivered straight to you at home for an additional fee
Gooddies deliver to school twice per month
Order cut off dates are midnight on the 15th and 30th of each month
Please ensure that you select the correct size for your child. If you wish to check items for size, please enquire at the office.
Ties are stocked in the school office. To purchase a tie, please send payment to the school office. Ties will then be sent home with your child as soon as possible.
Second Hand Uniform
Our school sells second hand school uniform, via PTA Events:
PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL ITEMS OF UNIFORM ARE CLEARLY LABELLED WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME - any un-named items of lost property will be put in the Lost Property cupboard in the Library and any items not claimed will be disposed of at the end of each term.