School Logo

New Shepherd Families

Welcome to Shepherd Primary School.

Please find below a few messages and reminders to help your child's school life to run as smoothly as possible. Thank you very much for your support.

  • Please return all completed forms before your child starts.
  • If your child has any medication e.g. asthma inhaler, epi pen, Piriton etc., please ensure that you have filled in the relevant forms at the school office and that the medication is available before your child starts with us.
  • Please ensure your child brings a named water bottle each day (please only fill with water).
  • Please ensure your child brings everything they need each day, e.g. PE Kit, packed lunch, warm coat.
  • Please ensure that all belongings are named including all items of uniform.
  • Please ensure your child arrives between 8:40 and 8:50am each day.
  • School finishes at 3:20pm
  • Please note that if someone other than you is coming to collect your child, you will need to advise the school office at least one hour before they are due to be collected.
  • We are a nut-free school so nuts of any type should not be brought into school, this includes sandwich spreads.
  • Children are not allowed to bring food into school to share with classmates. This is to ensure that no child consumes anything that they may be allergic to or goes against their cultural or religious beliefs.

Things you need to know:

  • School Gateway (online payments) – to register, go to:
  • School Grid (booking school lunches) – an invite will be emailed to you
  • Hertfordshire Catering Limited (school lunches) – To see details of school lunches see: If you need to request a special menu for your child, i.e. cultural or food allergy/intolerance, please see:
  • If your child currently receives Free School Meals, please re-apply at
  • Arbor (letters sent home from school) - will be emailed to you
  • Online learning, e.g. Google Classroom, MyMaths, Times Tables Rock Stars – your child will be given login details by their class teacher
  • Tapestry (Nursery and Reception only) – an invite will be emailed to you
  • The PTA sell second hand uniform please do take a look at their PTA page:

We look forward to welcoming you!
